Sunday, January 15, 2012

Upcycled Vintage Owls

We have had an uncharacteristically dry fall & winter here in Northern California.  I hate to complain about all of the sun, but I like rainy days.  Love them in fact & it saddens me that they have been very few & very far between so far.  Never one to lose an opportunity though, I have been taking advantage of the sunshine by painting.  Specifically owls.

I found one of these cute little cast iron owl trivets at a thrift store for a quarter over a year & a half ago.  I painted it to cover the layers of grime & rust & discovered that it was the cutest thing ever to set my tea on (& it looks so cute on the kitchen wall in between cups of tea).

After that I would just find them everywhere (sadly no more were that cheap) ... estate sales, thrift shops, rummage sales, flea markets ... & was compelled to buy up every last one of them.  Like I need that many owl trivets, no matter how cute.  Good thing other people thing they're cute too, they sell very well in the shop & I just enjoy sprucing them up in bright colors & taking their picture.

Aren't they just so darling?!  Apparently  rain is headed our way & it is so chilly outside I wouldn't be surprised if the storm brought some snow as well.  I guess I finished up my painting just in time ... we'll keep our fingers crossed.


  1. These are so cute! I love them :). Great blog

  2. very cute. i wouldn't be able to resist those either.

  3. Those are the cutest! I'm going to have to keep my eye out for something like that when I go out thrifting. I'd love to have something as original in my house.
